When testingcheatsenabled true is activated, you can raise or lower your Sim's current motive by clicking on any motive and then dragging your mouse to the left or right. Note: The click works for all the mouse buttons, clicking all of them rapidly at the same time will make the lifetime happiness points increase faster. Cheats with a " If it is motive induced, the bar related to the negative moodlet will be filled completely, just like when it is subject to a "Cure" by the Moodlet Manager.

The following are the objects and their top level cheats. This pie menu isn't as extensive as it was in The Sims 2, but there are some useful cheats. Shift-clicking on a particular object when testingCheatsEnabled is true will bring up a special debug pie menu. When capital letters are used in a cheat name, it's to make the name easier to read, not because they are required.